Sunday, April 16, 2006

Adventures in the Desert

Oct. 14, 2003

I have been traveling. I made an excursion out to inner Mongolia
. I didn't even know where inner Mongolia was till I arrived. There is just one question I asked myself at the end of my intriguing trip to Mongolia: If there is a God, why did he create such a place.

I believe that being trapped in a burning coffin would be a comparative spa to riding an overnight Chinese train. Upon arriving in Houhot, I was shipped off to the Mongolian grasslands on a bus full of Koreans.

My first day in
Mongolia was a perpetual whirlwind of excitement and activities. I believe that my trip consisted of two grand highlights. The first of which occurred right as I exited the bus where I was ransacked by a group of old ladies wanting me to rent an old beat up army jacket. However, this was no ordinary thrift store special, this amazing coat was an authentic Stalinist, I love Lennon, capitalist kicking, cold war winning monstrously cool coat. I promptly purchased this amazing dream coat (to which a picture will be sent).

This coat saved my life because at night the temp. dips below O degrees; additionally, they regretted to inform of me that I was going to be sleeping in a traditional Mongolian home, Yurt (otherwise known as it is so cold in here that I can't feel my toes).

The third day was where the second highlight occurred. I arrived in the
Gobi desert, a site that did astound me. It is a very big desert and they had dune buggies. Ten minutes upon arriving, I was bounding across the desert, wind flying through my hair, particles of sand entrenched in my gigantic grin, being chased by a hoard of Chinese people who wanted their vehicle back. I must confess that my Chinese is poor, when they said you can drive it for 30 seconds I thought they said go cruising until the gas runs out.

After I get back, I am sure that "Real World" would be interested in a season in
Mongolia. You could devote a whole episode to the quality of the bathrooms and the lavish decorations of the yurts.


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