Sunday, April 16, 2006


Good morrow friend from a far and distant land,

It is I. Still here and still living. Firstly, I want to wish you a very fulfilling thanksgiving. May your belt buckle never be reset. You might be thinking, "Poor Jason. All the way in China. No friends, no family and no hope for a taste of turkey. Sucks for him". But you are wrong my friend you are wrong. Not only did I have a thanksgiving, but I might have had one of the best thanksgivings ever.

It occurred to me several weeks ago that soon the blessed day of gorging would soon be upon us. Thanksgiving was a day that stood out in my memories. Whether it was the consumption of massive amounts of pecan pie, drinking gravy out of a wine glass or throwing a turkey wing at an annoying sibling, I was not going to break tradition. Always a fan of pre-planning, I and my fellow thanksgiving fanatics started preparing for the event. The vegetables were no problem, but the pies, stuffing and turkey were definitely a concern. I did some research and found a turkey--in America. So I had the turkey imported from
America, this massive 22 pound bird was sure to feed the 15 mouths. The pie crust were retrieved from Shanghai, and the stove top and gravy was fedex'ed from California.

The week of thanksgiving was chaotic. I had midterms which I did NOT ROCK. On the night before my listening test, we made the pumpkin pies and squash. We also put the turkey into a brine which was a debacle. Right after my speaking test (which I did pretty well at bc I love to talk), It was like taking crazy pills. Turkey went in the oven--vegetables being chopped-- massive amounts of mashing--stuffing--the real deal. The guests arrived and five hours later the turkey was done. But when I saw that beautiful bird, my heart skipped a beat. It was really thanksgiving. After the feast, the tryptophane and wine sank in. Soon moving was impossible.
My mom would be proud.


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