Sunday, April 16, 2006

Moving on up

Feb. 9, 2004

Killing some time,

Like a sailor out at sea, I am getting cabin fever here in beijing. You know, its been about 5 1/2 months I have been in
China...and well its time to move on. The chinese food has lost its charm, and the bleak depressing 1980's colored buildings are not as pleasing to the eye. Recently, I have strapped on the olde hiking pack and have taken to the hills.

My first destination has been the ancient walled city of Ping Yao. This city was quite a trip. Within the stone fortified walls dating back to the ming dynasty, Peter (my american comrade) and I galloped through the cobbled streets as the stereotypical American tourists. Along the way, we drank tea with a Ping Yao family, got one of the more interesting hair cuts in my life and became intentionally lost in some back alleys.

The highlight was riding for two hours in a hard seater train. When an average chinese person travels long distance, they usually ride in a over-packed, smoked filled coffin. Where if you are not drinking yourself into a daze, you are in a state of shock that mounds of trash could rise so fast in the aisle way. When we entered this cattle car, every pair of eyes was fixed upon us. We were put through a inquisition of questions. Two hours was just about as much time we could take but to think that some people do 48 hours in such conditions is just ridiculous.

My brother has just arrived in Beijing. We have been doing the whole sightseeing thing. In one day, we go south for both a change in latitude and attitude. The plan is that I am returning back to the cape on March 2 and will be in NYC on the 13.

More things to come.

Sincerely moving out,



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